混凝土蛋 " Concrete Egg"

混凝土蛋 " Concrete Egg"

混凝土蛋 " Concrete Egg" 

混凝土蛋 "Concrete Egg"是近年一個頗為流行的一個釀酒容器,涉及了發酵及陳釀過程。相信許多葡萄酒愛好者都對這個略有所聞,以下是一點簡介。 

先說一下這個容器的背景資料。混凝土蛋興起於2001年,隆河區酒莊M. Chapoutier 和一名混凝土製造商Marc Nomblot合作,制造了一隻蛋形的容器,高度大概180-220 cm 不等,他們旨在嘗試利用混凝土蛋去取代傳統木桶或不銹鋼桶去發酵及陳釀。





Concrete egg is a modern trend for winemaking – it’s used for maceration, fermentation and ageing.

In 2001, Michel Chapoutier from Rhone Valley collaborated with Marc Nomblot. Nomblot has specialized in the manufacturing of concrete wine containers since the 1920s. Together they produced the first modern egg-shaped wine vat. Their aim was to replace the use of traditional oak barrel and stainless steel tank.

During fermentation, as active yeast ferments wine, it becomes lighter and rises to the top of the fermenter. Cooler wine then sinks to the bottom, resulting in the formation of a continuous convection current. The process adds body and complexity to the wine.

Concrete vat has less air contact compared with oak barrel; this can lengthen the ageing period. Which will mellow the acidity and giving the wine a rounder body.

Various wineries have adapted using concrete vats. We shall keep an eye out if this shall become the mainstream in the future.

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