由於有不少顧客在選購自然酒(Natural wine),有機酒(Organic wine) 和生物動力法酒 (Biodynamic wine) 時候有所困惑,所以今天就來介紹一下生物動力法的酒。
首要的概念是,自然酒和生物動力酒都是有機耕作下的產物。生物動力法,起源於1920年代,生物動力學創始人Rudolf Steiner,這套學說是集中於耕種的層面,本著種植時不放化學肥料,除草劑等等一切非天然的種植放方法的宗旨。生物動力法,可以說是比有機耕作更深層次的一個系統,在了解這個系統之前,必須要說的是,這個系統是沒有科學根據的,生物動力法是一個精神上的信仰,釀酒師相信透過這個種植方法,種出來的葡萄會更好,從而使釀出來的酒更為可口。這個系統其實是一個曆法的形式,它的概念就相當於中國人古時耕作時奉行二十四節氣,按曆法而為。相對於有機酒,這個曆法是生物動力學獨有的。
500 - 把肥料放在牛角裏在秋天時放入泥土,冬天時在泥土分解
501 - 把石英碎放在牛角內,於春天時放入泥土並於秋天時取出
502 - 把西洋蓍草放在鹿膀胱內,於冬天時放入泥土
503 - 把洋甘菊放在牛的小腸內,於秋天時放入泥土
504 - 把異株蕁麻和泥炭覆蓋泥土一整年
505 - 把像樹皮的碎塊放入動物顱骨內,並用泥炭包圍,一起埋於有水流的泥土附近
506 - 把蒲公英放在牛的腸內,冬天時放入泥土
507 - 用纈草混在灌溉的水入面
508 - 把木賊屬放入泥土中
There’s always confusion between natural wine, organic wine and biodynamic wine. Let’s have an introductory on biodynamic wine!
First of all, we should bear in mind that natural and biodynamic wines are produced organically. The biodynamic theory was developed by Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s, it’s a holistic approach that focuses on agriculture. It avoids everything that’s unnatural – zero use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide. Biodynamic is non-scientific, it is more a like a belief to winemakers. The system has a unique calendar to follow through, it’s like the 24 Solar Terms used by ancient Chinese farmers.
Rudolf Steiner saw plants as organisms which were connected not only to every surrounding plant but also to celestial bodies in the far reaches of our universe. The biodynamic preparations 500–508 stimulate the growth and reproductive forces plants need to realize their full potential to connect to what surrounds them on both a physical level.
500 - Horn manure, cow manure stuffed into cow horns and buried under the earth for the winter period
501 - Horn silica, original biodynamic atmospheric spray and is made from ground up clear quartz crystal and buried in cow horns over summer
502 - Yarrow, blossoms are gathered at peak bloom in June and stuffed into a stag’s bladder. They are hung for the summer to dry out before being buried a foot deep in the ground in autumn for a year
503 - Chamomile, dried flowers are placed in the intestine of a cow and buried in autumn
504 - Stinging nettle, dried nettles should be compacted into 10-15cm diameter unglazed clay pots that are placed head-to-head into fertile soil and buried in autumn for a year
505 - Oak bark, fill a domestic animal’s skull with finely ground oak bark, buried in a watery environment in autumn
506 - Dandelion, dry flowers are placed in a cow’s mesentery and buried in autumn
507 - Valerian, soak crushed valerian flowers in water. The solution is either poured into the compost or sprinkled over the surface
508 - Common horsetail, soak common horsetail in water and spray over vines in winter
If any of the above preparation is used for agriculture, the final product is defined as biodynamic. Biodynamic wine doesn’t have a standardised style; but generally speaking, it’s more aromatic, fruity and floral.
The biodynamic calendar suggests days that wine would perform better. It is made up of four types of days that are determined by both Lunar cycles and astrological signs: Root, Flower, Leaf and Fruit.
Root Days
Following the philosophy of the Biodynamic calendar, these days are the worst for tasting wine as the wine will appear more subtle on this “earthy” day.
Flower Days
These days are said to be better days for tasting aromatic wines, especially those white wines with floral aromas.
Leaf Days
Wines are experienced to be less sweet, with a dominant, earthy minerality. This could be due to the fact that according to the Biodynamic calendar, the plant is more focused on producing chlorophyll on Leaf Days.
Fruit Days
Fruit days are said to be the optimal days for tasting wine as the fruit flavours are more vibrant, and the wine is rich and full.
Surprise yourself with tasting on these four types of days!